Saturday, October 23, 2010

Weekend(s) Moments.

I  mentioned before that I recently moved to a new country... that country happens to be Costa Rica. Of course, it is always hard leaving family and friends behind but I feel very fortunate to get to spend a year here for work. My first few weeks  here I spent almost every weekend day outside the city (San Jose); I saw a volcano erupt lava, hung out at the beach and visited small towns in the mountains. But the past two weekends I have used to explore San Jo a bit more. 

I must admit that it is not the most beautiful place in the world but it does have some charming characteristics and because I live away from the city center I get to experience some of the wonderful small town feel, and nature, that the country is known for.

Hiking spot near my neighborhood
Little church on the hillside
At top of the hiking trail... Amazing views!
marking things off my to-do list...
...and enjoying a tasty treat at my favorite cafe

Sunday mornings at the market
dough making for arepas. Yummmm!
the flute band that plays at the market
and another round of sweet treats at one of the oldest cafes in town


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