Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday's Best:

I spent a great weekend at the beach, after all it is "summer" here in Costa Rica, not that there is a "winter" per se, but from December until May it is the dry season and the weather is simply too good to stay away from the water. Hope you all had enjoyable weekends, now some of my favorite finds from this week:

-Actors acting, shocking? Not really, but the NYT short videos are pretty great. Also not shocking, my favorite: James Franco kissing himself. 
-I am enamored with these fancy wallpapers...
-...and these fun doormats...
-... and these glamorous glassware. Basically, I spent all week looking through the NYT's "Shopping With..." feature! It is full of great shopping ideas from really interesting and talented people.
-...And now, for a totally random, recently discovered site: "Rides A Bike". Classic movie stars, riding their bikes, it's as simple (and wonderful) as that.

One of my favorites, Katherine Hepburn and Charles Boyer. Adorable. 

Hope everyone's week starts off in the best possible way!



  1. ahh those doormats are too cool!

  2. We've got some nice summer weather here in San Diego too. It was definitely a beach weekend. And I love these links! The amount of inspiration on the internet never ceases to amaze me. Have a great week, darling!

  3. So envious of your weekend on the beach! It is freezing & snowing here in New York!


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