Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cover War: Leading Men

While women usually get all the attention for their magazine covers, and lets face it, they deserve it! I was rather taken by two leading men in Esquire's recent covers.

First Up: Javier Bardem in U.S Esquire's October issue
I am not a fan of smoking, by any means. But Javier looks so debonair in this picture! Reminds me a little  of classic Hollywood stars, like a young and rougher looking Marlon Brando. 

And then: James Franco in U.K Esquire's November issue
I think this cover is great! I love that the picture looks "natural", the choice of all black and white and the fact that it is almost entirely bare of writing. In this cover war, I think Franco wins! However, I must say I was rather fond of Javier's role in Eat.Pray.Love ....


(images thanks to: Esquire and Esquire UK)


  1. Love James Franco on the cover -- it's such a great shot. Honestly, I don't get what the big deal about Javier Bardem is; I don't think he's attractive -- my guess is that he's simply just not my type. And I'm going to be your first Follower!

  2. Yay for first follower! I have to get better at this spreading the word thing, haha. Javier is definitely attractive in a peculiar way, whereas James Franco is just so cute-- I once had brunch across from him in a place in NC, I was dyinggg.

  3. I really really like that James Franco the vintage vibe of it.


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